Drawing Maps

As we walk about our daily lives we get to draw a map of the world we see. Our parents, our life experiences and the people we encounter along the way, each shaping a unique version of this map.At some point we meet someone important and they too come equipped with a unique map of the territory ...

Feb 8

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Life Purpose / Meaning / ...


Feel happier by clearly distinguishing between 'change' and 'outcomes'

You may recall the video we sent a couple of weeks ago. If you have not seen it, I would thoroughly recommend you watch it. It is my experience ...

Jul 1

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Life Purpose / Meaning / ...


The Clown

You may recall the video we sent a couple of weeks ago. If you have not seen it, I would thoroughly recommend you watch it.  The clown is the next analogy I frequently use during my therapy sessions, ...

Jul 1

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Empathy


Can mindset, cold and breathing really heal us?

I still hear the admonitions as if it were yesterday. “Wear a hat, it’s cold and you’ll get sick” “Cover yourself or you’ll catch a fever, it’s cold outside” There are more, but I think you get the picture.Fast forward to 3+ years ago and I stumble on ...

Jan 31

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Anxiety, Depression, Life ...


3 Things That Are Wrong With New Year Resolutions

It's the end of January and, as it may be the case for many of us, the New Year Resolutions we so keenly committed to 30 days ago, may have already become a memory of the past.Perhaps you signed up for a new fitness ...

Feb 4

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Life Purpose / Meaning / ...


Blog Writer:

Dr Oberdan Marianetti

Dr OM opened in Singapore 2015 to serve the local community on all their relationship and sexuality challenges. Intrigued by the secrets of the mind, Dr Oberdan first qualified as a psychologist over 15 years ago and worked both in corporate and private settings to support individuals, couples and groups to rediscover their innate power for productivity, creativity and service. Today, the clinic has evolved to offer a broader range of services, eventually establishing itself as a respected, reputable, and trusted place for healing. It has grown to serve a diverse clientele from over 50 countries, who present life challenges ranging from stress, anxiety and depression, to the specialised sexual and relational ones experienced in silence by many. We welcome clients from any walk of life, and look forward to continue growing as a valuable service provider to our local and international communities.

Dr Oberdan Marianetti belongs to Dr OM & Associates in Singapore